sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

My ideal job ...

This is the last text of my blog and I will write about my ideal job. I have never work in my life, but in the future I would like working with animals, specially with small animals. I have two ideal jobs, working in a small animal clinic and working in projects about stray dogs and cats. I think that work in a clinic is so special because you can help a lot of animals, make happy and educate their owners. Also, I will try to work with stray dogs and cats because the people always claim about it, but nobody try to do something. A lot of people leave their pets in the street and I think that one of the tasks of a veterinarian is educate and create conscience. These are two of my ideal jobs, but I don’t know exactly what I want to do in the future. I want to meet all the possible areas and then I want to decide.


jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

My Favorite Website!

In this opportunity I will talk about my favorite website. I don’t really visit a lot of website when I use the computer. I use it to work or to distract. I visit hotmail almost days, facebook, youtube, u-cursos, google and miniclip.

Until now, I have never thought about my favourite website and it’s so hard to me to decide between youtube and miniclip. In youtube you can find a lot of music and funny videos. Also it is useful to study. On the other hand, miniclip is a web of games.

I have decide that my favourite website is miniclip. I don’t really remember when and how I found it, but I know it were years ago. In miniclip you can play a loooot of games, but of course I have a favorite one. It is “bubble trouble”, I don’t play it everyday because I don’t have time but I really like it. In miniclip everyday you will find more games so you will be never bored.