sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

My ideal job ...

This is the last text of my blog and I will write about my ideal job. I have never work in my life, but in the future I would like working with animals, specially with small animals. I have two ideal jobs, working in a small animal clinic and working in projects about stray dogs and cats. I think that work in a clinic is so special because you can help a lot of animals, make happy and educate their owners. Also, I will try to work with stray dogs and cats because the people always claim about it, but nobody try to do something. A lot of people leave their pets in the street and I think that one of the tasks of a veterinarian is educate and create conscience. These are two of my ideal jobs, but I don’t know exactly what I want to do in the future. I want to meet all the possible areas and then I want to decide.


jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

My Favorite Website!

In this opportunity I will talk about my favorite website. I don’t really visit a lot of website when I use the computer. I use it to work or to distract. I visit hotmail almost days, facebook, youtube, u-cursos, google and miniclip.

Until now, I have never thought about my favourite website and it’s so hard to me to decide between youtube and miniclip. In youtube you can find a lot of music and funny videos. Also it is useful to study. On the other hand, miniclip is a web of games.

I have decide that my favourite website is miniclip. I don’t really remember when and how I found it, but I know it were years ago. In miniclip you can play a loooot of games, but of course I have a favorite one. It is “bubble trouble”, I don’t play it everyday because I don’t have time but I really like it. In miniclip everyday you will find more games so you will be never bored.

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

My Favourite Picture

I have a lot of favourite pictures, and is so difficult to me to choose one. I don`t know why, but I choose this one. This beautiful photo was taken by the camera because we were alone there, in February,2009.
In this picture you can see in order: Nacho, Tobal, Javi, Memo and me. They are my best friends. I know all of them in the school. The last holidays we went to Gorbea, it is a small town in the south of Chile, near Temuco. One day was raining a lot and we decided to go to walk. We take this photo this day near the place we was camping. We found an amazing forest, so we decided to capture this moment. It's a really special picture to me because they are very importan people in my life and this picture remember to me all the good times that we had this holidays.

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

My mobile phone

My favourite piece of technology is my mobile phone, my father gave it to me for my birthday, in the year 2005. In this moment I thought it wasn't really necessary but now I use it every day. I think it's necessary because I can be in touch with my parents and friends everywhere.
My mobile phone is not very modern, it doesn't have bluetooth and it have only three old games. My ringtone sounds horrible, it's very disagreeable! What is more, every day the battery have a shorter duration. However, I love it! And I don't want to change it.
In 2005, my old mobile phone was the latest technology, but nowadays it is trash. But I don't care because I don't need more technology, I just need to call and send message. Sometimes, when I go out without my mobile phone, I feel I need it a lot and this feeling is so stressful.